Thursday, 2 February 2012

Joe makes cornflake and rice krispie cakes

Joe was really up for cooking when it came to making these cornflake and rice krispie cakes for 'bun day' at school the next day.  Each Friday it's 'bun day' and the year groups take it in turns to provide the buns.  Each child in the school pays 20p for a bun and the money either goes into the school fund for supplementing school trips and things like that or it is given to charity if there is something like Comic Relief or Children in Need happening at the time .

As unlikely as it sounds, we followed a Nigel Slater recipe.  Who would have thought Nigel would spend his time making cornflake cakes! 

These were the ingredients
  • 50 g butter
  • 4 tbsp golden syrup
  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 75 g cornflakes
We melted the butter, chocolate and syrup in a pan.  Once melted and mixed together we stirred in the cornflakes.  When the cornflakes were covered in the chocolatey mixture we put large spoonfuls into bun cases on a baking tray which was then placed in the fridge to let the cakes set.

We then repeated the process using rice krispies.  Simple and delicious.  Thakfully we made lots so that we didn't have to take them all into school!

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